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Keeping config files in sync with git

·2 mins
With my workflow favouring the terminal over GUI-based development tools, my config files for the common terminal utilities I use daily have been growing as I build proficiency in Vim and Tmux. In this article, I will show you how I use git to keep my config files in sync across machines.

Run a Command at Interval, Unintrusively

·2 mins
A not so uncommon usecase is needing to run a command repeatedly at fixed intervals, without losing control of your shell. Doing this in the Linux shell is particularly trivial.

An Introduction to MySQL Locks

·6 mins
Concurrent access to database records from different client sessions can impact data integrity and lead to the expected behavior of computer programs that perform specific actions depending on the value of the data retrieved from the database. In this article, I will give you an introduction to how MySQL locks can be used for concurrency control and guarantee data integrity while allowing multiple users or sessions to safely interact with data. I will also write about the popular types of MySQL locks.

Building a Simple Auto-Complete Program in Javascript

·8 mins
In this article, we will be learning enough to understand what autocomplete programs are and how they work. We will also cobble together a rudimentary autocomplete program that can efficiently suggest valid words that match our entries. We will also be learning about the trie data structure and the role it plays in building autocomplete programs.