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When in Doubt, Wing It!

·1 min
When in doubt, wing it. There wouldn’t always be a guide or manual for the action you wish to perform. You might find there are no guardrails provided. In these moments, wing it!

Good Enough Today is Good Enough

·1 min
The question of when to deliver is constant. Choose to provide a good enough solution as soon as possible. Compared to taking more time to offer a great solution later.

The Burden of Writing New Code

·1 min
Producing code comes with costs. No matter how good the code you added was. Do not presume there are only positives to problem-solving by introducing new code.

"RTFM" Is Not a Putdown

·2 mins
The documentation/specification/manual of that topic you’re struggling with provides the clarity you need. Save yourself the Google searches, articles, forum questions, trials and errors. RTFM is not a rude response. It is the gospel.